Monday, August 2, 2010

A Day At The Movies

Me and Momma at my Bridal Shower
June 6, 1975

When you think of your life, do you see a movie or perhaps a slide show of the years gone by?  I do.  It's a most precious time to see faces I haven't seen in a long while, to hear voices I haven't heard, and to remember experiences that brought both great joy and sometimes, great pain.

Yesterday was Momma's 71st birthday.  I haven't spent a birthday with Momma since 2005, but yesterday the movie that played in my mind throughout the day was as if she was here with us again.  I thought of things I haven't recalled in years and saw pictures of her in my mind that I haven't seen in longer than I care to remember.  I heard her sweet voice talking to us and singing as she used to do at church and around the house.  As clearly as if she were sitting beside me, I heard her calling my name and saw the smile on her beautiful face and heard her infectious laugh.

Yep, my time at the movies was precious yesterday.  I sure hope for a re-run from time to time; it is a movie I love and never tire of seeing.

Momma, ca. 1990's


Trish said...

Memories...paint the colors of our mind...misty water colored memories of the way we were.
What a beautiful tribute to your dear Momma...I know how you miss her.
Prayers and big hugs sister.

Pat said...

I've had those same type of movies play in my mind too. I like that I never get tired of the reruns!
That's a beautiful picture of you and your sweet Mother!

Trish said...

Hi Diane...just stopping by to say howdy and that I miss you! Pray all is well with you and your precious Daddy.
Big Hugs~

Mrs. Mac said...

Blessings to you dear sister. I have a continual movie loop running through my mind as well. Hope you are hanging in there. God be with you and your trials .. will pray for you today.


Deb said...

Stopping by to say that I'm praying for you!!! Love you!!