Tuesday, August 4, 2009

I'm Baaaccccckkkkkkk!!!!

Well, actually this picture was made just before surgery, but it's the best I can do for now!

I am so excited to be back! I have missed all of you so much! Thank you all for your love, prayers and support during my surgery and recovery. I still have a bit of 'recovery' to go, but I'm so much better than before! I still have issues, but that'll all wait for another time!!!! Let the fun begin!!!!!

I am so happy to be participating in TAKE ME BACK TUESDAY again!

Take Me Back Tuesday is hosted by Kari over at The Giveaway Addicted Mommy. Drop in and visit with Kari and follow the links to other TMBT offerings. I can't wait to visit each one myself!

My first offering after my extended absence is this lovely little B&W of my 1st grade class at Middleton High & Elementary School. We were so small, we didn't even have seperate schools; we all went to the same place! It was great fun for the little guys, but I'm quite sure it was a boring nuisance to the high schoolers!!!

Anywho, I am the antsy little girl sitting on the end of the second row with her shoe kicked off! That was the very first thing Momma said when she saw this picture, "Girl, you've kicked your shoe off!"!!!!! I have always HATED to wear shoes; still do! However, I have now learned they are a necessary evil for diabetics who want to retain their tootsies! So, like a good little girl, I now wear my shoes; but I STILL don't like them!

I hope you enjoyed my little photo show today. Can't wait to get around and visit everyone and see what's been going on! Gosh, I'm so happy to be back, I could smoochie every last one of you!!!!

Have a Happy Day!


Lori said...

Yay and hooray!!! THERE you are!!! I've really been wondering how you're doing! :) Very happy to "see" you back at it again.

Constance said...

It's good to hear from you again! I enjoyed the picture of you as a little girl. I have my own posted in my profile but recently my son told me I should post a picture of me when I was in high school. We'll see...

Thank you for your prayers in our situation, it is encouraging to be supported and surrounded by loving Christian sisters! I love you too!

Pam said...

I am so glad that you are back. I have missed you.
I had to laugh about the no shoes. I am the same way and have passed that on to my kids.

bj said...

Di, I was thrilled to death to see you this morning. So so glad to have you back!
What a cute photo you share with us today...just love it.
Take good care and again, so happy to see you feeling well enuf to visit and post.

Lorrene said...

I have truly missed you and am so glad you are back. Love your picture. What beautiful hair.
Your school picture is so cute. I am too old to have anything like that. I don't recall anybody ever taking one, but I sure wish they would have.

Unknown said...

Yea! Welcome back, you have been missed! I hope you are feeling well too! What a cute picture, I have always thought it was nice when the kids all got to go to the same school!

Heidi Pocketbook said...

So glad you are back and feeling better.

What a neat picture you've shared. It's a treasure!

Kari @ A Giveaway Addicted Mommy said...

I am so thrilled that you are back! You have been in my prayers.

That picture is just wonderful! It must have been a really wonderful to grow up in such a small community like that.

Anonymous said...

I love your hair and I LOVE LOVE LOVE that classroom picture. PRiceless!

Denise said...

Yay!!! I'm so glad to see you back!! You've been in my prayers, it's wonderful that you are feeling so much better.

What an adorable picture!!! I love the way you are all sitting in the classroom.

Angela said...

Hey Diane!

I'm so glad to see that you are back!!!! :)

I love your old pictures of you in school!


Eve said...

What a fun school photo!
I like how everyone is lined up and sitting so beautifully at the desks (looking so angelic, which probably wasn't really the case for all). ;)

Melanie @ Whimsical Creations said...

Welcome back!! Hope you are feeling better soon.

Fabulous photo & story behind the photo.

Crown of Beauty said...

Praying for a complete recovery for you.

Welcome back!

Just wanted to say I dropped in to see how you are doing.


Kathy P said...

Welcome Back Diane!!! I have missed you. I hope your recovery continues on quickly!

Sending LOVE!!!

Samantha said...

So glad you are back to blogging Diane, have missed you !
Love the class photo, you were such a cutie !
Love ya bunches !!