Sunday, November 25, 2012

Showers of Blessing.......With A Catch

There shall be showers of blessing............

The Lord will open up the heavens.
That’s where he stores his riches.
He will send rain on your land
at just the right time.
He’ll bless everything you do.
You will lend money to many nations.
But you won’t have to borrow
from any of them.
The Lord your God
will make you leaders, not followers.
Pay attention to his commands
that I’m giving you today.
Be careful to follow them.
Then you will always be on top.
You will never be on the bottom.
And, here's the catch............we must follow his commands and not turn away.  The blessings are ours, but only when we obey him.
Don’t turn away
from any of the commands
I’m giving you today.
Don’t turn to the right or the left.
Don’t follow other gods.
Don’t worship them.
Deuteronomy 28:12-14  (NIRV)

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