My musings about this wonderful existence I lovinly call "my experimental life". I try to follow the direction of the Holy Spirit, but I sometimes end up in a conundrum, wondering how I got there and how I'm gonna get out. So, you will learn of my experiments in getting it right. I hope it is entertaining, inspiring, and, most of all, a witness to the precious mercies of a loving and forgiving Heavenly Father who lets me learn as I go.
(My nephew, Caleb, who is just a technological superman!)
Have you ever wanted to throw your computer out the door while exclaiming expletives at the top of your voice? Then you remember that computer savy nephew.
THAT'S GOD reminding you that He has supplied your need.
(Me and Terry at my parent's 40th Anniversary Vow Renewal Ceremony, 1997)
Have you ever felt absolutely alone and forsaken? Then found an old picture of your life in happier times?
THAT'S GOD reminding you that you that HE has the supply for all your needs.!
"And my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus. "
Phil. 4:19 (NIV)
My 'Maw' would be red with embarrassment if she knew I was posting this picture! She never had a place in her heart for any other man than my 'Paw'. Although he passed away in 1966, she never remarried or even considered it. She was totally devoted to Paw, her family and her Lord. There was need or time for anything else.
She was such a sweet little lady. When Paw died, she was very young....only 55 years old. I know now just how young that was because I am only 51. I had expected to be able to spend many, many more years taking care of my Terry. Maw expected to spend her life taking care of her Herbert. When he died suddenly of heart disease, she was devestated. I understand that now. Many, many times she told my sisters and I that we were all that held her together at that time. We spent every weekend with her and later she became our sitter when Momma was working the night shift.
She spent the week with us for the first few weeks. Then, she said it was time to go home and she did. Since we were in school, we couldn't spend the weeknights, but we spent every weekend! I don't know who had more fun, Maw or us! She'd pop huge dish pans full of popcorn and we would lie in the floor watching T.V., eating popcorn and knowing we were living the life of Riley, whoever that is! Life couldn't have been any better.
On those nights, when there was nothing on T.V., or after the stations signed off, we would sit and sing hymns from her old copy of her Grandfather Atkinson's old hymnal or read the Bible out loud together. I still have that hymnal now and treasure it more than if it were the finest gold. Those early years of singing hymns with Maw, reading the Bible with her and just spending time with her was one of my earliest influences for the importance of being a Christian.
Maw went to church with us on Sundays. She always said she didn't have anything to give the church, but that it sure gave her something. She was so wrong about that! She was so loved by all the kids and so respected and loved by the adults. When she went home, it was a sad day indeed for the people of our church, but what a celebration was held in heaven!
Mr. Stewart is the grandfather of one of my brothers-in-law. He was a very tall, large framed man with a deep and resounding base voice. I used to love nothing more than to sit and listen to him sing in that resonant voice, lifting praises to his Heavenly Father. He was an elder and deacon in our church. He was a great Bible teacher and leader. He was never afraid to stand up for what he believed and would do so with deep respect for those who disagreed with him.
I remember one of his favorite songs being "The Fountain Free". He would stand straight and tall and sing with all the love for Jesus within him and smile while tears rolled down those wrinkled cheeks...."will you come to the fountain free,will you come tis for you and me; thirsty sould hear the welcome call, tis the fountain open for all". Oh what joy that memory holds for me!
Even after having to go to a nursing facility to live, his family would bring him to church for visits and he would rise and stand as tall as his frail body would allow and sing in that still deep and sweet voice. To me, that is the voice of heaven!
These precious people were two of the first influences in my life for Jesus Christ. Because of their love of Jesus and their living example of what He wanted us to be, I know the love of Jesus and His grace and mercy in salvation today. When it comes my time to walk the golden streets of heaven, I look forward to seeing them again and telling just how much their lives influenced my own.
Tomorrow morning if you wake up
and the sun does not appear
I......I will be here
If in the dark, we lose sight of love
Hold my hand, and have no fear
'Cause I......I will be here
I will be here When you feel like being quiet
When you need to speak your mind I will listen
And I will be here When the laughter turns to cryin'
Through the winning, losing and trying
We'll be together I will be here
Tomorrow morning, if you wake up
And the future is unclear
I.......I will be here
Just as sure as seasons were made for change
Our lifetimes were made for these years
So I......I will be here
I will be here And you can cry on my shoulder
When the mirror tells us we're older I will hold you
And I will be here To watch you grow in beauty
And tell you all the things you are to me
I.....I will be here
I will be true to the promise I have made
To you and to the One who gave you to me
Tomorrow morning, if you wake up
And the sun does not appear
I......I will be here
Oh, I......I will be here.
This was shared with me by a precious friend. It touched my heart so deeply. Leave it to a child to always have the right answer for every question!
You may have guessed that I'm back home in Tennessee now. It's good to be home, but I have to be honest, I came home very sick. My sister picked me up at the airport on Monday afternoon and brought me home. I was so sick, she didn't want to leave me, but I convinced her I was fine. I have no idea what happened for the next 24 hours!
I finally drug my body to the doctor yesterday and found I have double pneumonia. I'm on heavy duty antibiotics and an expectorant cough medicine, so I'm sure I'm going to be fine. As a matter of fact, I already feel some better.
I'll probably take another few days break from posting on the blog just to rest and recuperate. I miss you all and reading your blogs. Maybe I'll at least be able to do that now! Take care all!
18,000 Officers and Enlisted Men from Camp Dodge, IA
form a living Statue of Liberty
Grandma Howell, Momma and Caleb--ca. 1993
Uncle Caleb and Alix--June, 2005
Caleb--October, 2008
Caleb and Jacob--Mother's Day, 2008
This IS Caleb, laid back and pretty much relaxed!
Charlotte, Debra and Diane--1964
I have so much to be thankful for in my life. Today, I have chosen to tell you about my sisters, for whom I am thankful every day, but never more than since the loss of my dear husband. They have stood beside me, loved me, prayed for me, cried with me and for me; they could have nothing more for me than they have. I will never be able to love them back enough to adequately appreciate all they have given me.
Diane, Charlotte and Debra--1961
This is one my most favorite pictures EVER of me and my sisters. I'm not really sure why, maybe because it was before I had concerns or responsibilities or cares of this world to make my heart heavy. It was all carefree because Momma and Daddy would take care of everything; nothing for me to worry about.
(Back Row, L-R) Ricky, Caleb, Jared holding Allyson and Brian
(Center Row) Charlotte and Katie
(Front Row) Alix, Jacob and Jaden
This is the middle sister, Charlotte, who is the mother of Katie and her three wonderful brothers, Jared, Jacob and Caleb. She also has three precious grandchildren, Alix, Jaden and Allyson. Allyson is the daughter of her oldest son, Jared. She is a Postmaster Replacement in her town and is married to Ricky, who is a minister and also is an electrical inspector for the State of TN. They have an incrediably busy life, but still find the time for family, making trips to Iowa as often as possible. Ricky takes an annual missionary trip to Ecuador and is a member of the Volunteer Fire Department in their town and is a member of the School Board in our county. I have always admired Charlotte for her quiet personality. She has the ability to love those around her without judgment, yet with appropriate expectations that they live up to their potential.
Adam, Debra and Dwade
Debra is the youngest living sister. She is the mother of Adam and is married to Dwade. Debra is the Dept. Mgr. for paper products at a local supermarket and is a chashier as well. Her husband runs his own business as a green-oriented logger, using horses for pulling the cut logs from the woods so as to incur as little damage as possible to standing timber. He also works at a local company, Thyssen-Krupp, as a machine operator. They are extremely involved in their church and commit a large amount of time to the ministries of the church. They also have my Dad living at home with them. After Momma passed away, Debra and Dwade bought the family farm and moved there. It allowed Daddy to continue to live where he is comfortable and feels at home. Debra is extrememly soft hearted and tends to take on the burdens of those around her. I pray she someday will have the grandchildren she so desperately desires. Diane as an infant--1957
Everyone says Joyce looked like me.
The youngest sister was still born. Her name was Joyce Ann. She was born on Oct. 6, 1964 with her umbibical cord wrapped too tightly around her neck for the doctor to save her in time. We never saw her, nor even a picture of her, but my grandparents always told us that she looked very much like me when I was a baby. Some may wonder why I would include a stillborn sister whom I have never known in my "Thankful Thursday" post. It is because her very brief presence in our lives touched us and changed us all. Losing her was a great catalyst in my Dad becoming a born-again Christian, which impacted our lives so greatly. So, I'm thankful for Joyce and that I will get to know her when I reach heaven.
Diane, Charlotte and Debra
Momma and Daddy
December 17, 2004