"All this I have spoken while still with you. But the Counselor (Comforter {KJV}), the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you. Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid."
St. John 14: 25 - 27 (NIV)
As I sat in the stillness of my living room this morning, browsing my Facebook pages and enjoying the updates from family and friends, I suddenly realized that I was content. I was quiet and still, happy to see so much happy news from those I love and just enjoying the stillness of the early morning.
Wow! Where did that come from? I can't honestly say I have felt a moment of real contentment since Terry went home to be with Jesus. I sat thinking of Scriptures that I have stashed away in my failing memory and the above verses seemed to call to me.
I opened my Bible and began to read from what I call my "Comfort Chapter". Jesus is talking with His disciples and reassuring them that, although He must leave, they will not be left alone. As I read the verses, my heart sang with gladness because it was real to me for the first time in months!
Yes, I have said I knew the Lord was with me; and I did. But, this morning the knowing is altogether different. It is a knowing that settles into the depths of my soul and I feel again the sweet assurance and peace that only Jesus can bring.
One of my favorite hymns has always been 'He Whispers Sweet Peace To Me'. I have never felt the peace and comfort of the Lord the way I feel it today! 'Sometimes when misgivings darken my way, And faith's light I cannot see; I ask the dear Lord to brighten my day, He whispers sweet peace to me.'
I cannot begin to articulate the joy of feeling that sweet, peaceful presence within myself once again. My heart has been so heavy for so long, it seemed as though joy or contentment would never reside there again. And yet, here it is. When I least expect it the Lord rises up within me and gives me the sweetest gift of contentment and consolation.
How can I not love and praise a Father who so lovingly cares for me? How can my soul not worship Him? How can my heart not desire to serve Him?
"I lift up my eyes to the hills....where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth."
Psalms 121: 1,2 (NIV)
May you have a blessed day and know the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth watches over you and will deliver you from all harm or despair. Holy is His Name and worthy is He of our praise!
There's an old saying I remember from back when I was a single Mom,
"God will pull you through if you can stand the stretch".
He is faithful!
The Lord is so faithful and He will continue to bless you. What a wonderful feeling to know that our Lord is with us always, even to the end of the age.
I love you Sis!!
What a beautiful post and I love the idea of being content.
The Raggedy Girl
Diane...this Post has blessed me this morning. Touched me. I sometimes battle depression. So, of course, there are times when I have to just dig myself out...with the Lord's help! Refuse, to stay low and tell myself that God in His mercy wants Joy and Peace for me...and sometimes we find it from others. Thank you...I needed to read this!
What a peacful post. You have touched my heart this morning. It is comforting to know that the Lord is always with you, he never leaves, we just sometimes stop seeing. It reminds me of the poem "Foot Prints"
Hope you have a Blessed week.
When I read this post, I thought of the old hymn, "Peace, peace, wonderful peace; coming down from the Father above. Sweep over my spirit forever I pray, in fathomless billows of love." :)
Sweet post.
bless you sweet diane....love terry
ps ...you sound just like our friend, crown of beauty
This is beautiful, Diane.
So beautiful Diane, I am so happy the Lord is giving you sweet peace,
God bless you this special day !Hugs and blessings, love you dearly.
Hi, saw you were from W TN from a comment on another blog...I've already forgotten where...and thought I'd say Hi to a neighbor...
beautiful post
thank you for this post. it speaks to my heart. You are a blessing to me at this point in my journey. It helps to know someone else understands what I am going through.
God alone can give the comfort that we need during this time when we suddenly find ourselves walking alone.
The pain is so deep, and even if you wanted to describe it, there were no words adequate enough.
How great a God we have! He understands, and He knows exactly what we need, at the right time.
I thank God for how you have allowed the comfort you received to be passed on to us your readers.
May God continue to uphold you in this new season of your life.
So glad your day was of peace and contentment. It must be going around. I, too, had the best day I have had in awhile. I had the tree removed out of my yard, and the owner of the company, who was a woman and running the chainsaw all day! told me she was also a widow. She shared with me and listened to me and hugged me. She was so sweet. I know the Lord led her to me. Also, I wound up having more company than I have ever had here. Neighbors were all in my yard watching the tree removal so I got to know them. They were really nice. I needed this day and it gives me hope for better days.
I love you so much. Thank you for being my friend and I am your friend always.
Love, Debbie
Diane... I thought I commented... brain lapse I guess...
I use the KJV and this is my all time favorite scripture. I am so happy you found some peace. Lots of love!
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