Today marks the third anniversary of Momma's home going. She breathed her final breath here around 2:30 on the morning of Thursday, April 20, 2006. Immediately, she was with her Lord in her heavenly home.

February, 1994---Momma's Family, minus Uncle Cecil, who died in January, 1993.
The Mid 70's---Daddy and Momma with Maw McDonald.jpg)
Circa Mid 50's---Thelma Howell

February, 2005---Momma and Daddy at their last Valentine Banquet together.
John Michael Montgomery had a country song out a few years back that he had written about his own Dad after he had passed away. I can't seem to get the lyrics of that song out of my mind tonight. It is entitled "I Miss You A Little":
Sometimes a song can touch a nerve
That takes me back to you
When I pick up my old guitar
And I play your favorite tune
Every now and then, some little thing
I've buried comes bubblin' up
And once in a while, you feel close enough to touch
I miss you a little since you've been gone
I miss you a little since you've been gone
A few little memories keep hangin' on
I miss you a little, I guess you could say
A little too much, a little too often
A little more every day
When I go by our old house
I pretend that you're still there
Waitin' for me on the porch
But there's just an empty chair
Wish I could see you just one more time
Before I drive away
So I could stop and go inside, and say
I miss you a little since you've been gone
October, 2005---Our last vacation together.
A few little memories keep hangin' on
I miss you a little, I guess you could say
A little too much, a little too often
A little more every day
A little too much, a little too often
A little more every day
Those words so perfectly describe how I feel Momma. The pain has gotten better with time, but the missing you only gets worse.

Christmas, 2005---Momma was so sick by this time. Less than 4 months to live now.
I know you're happy, Momma, and I'm so thankful to have the assurance that I will see you again. I just wish I had one more chance to say 'I love you, Momma' and hear your sweet voice answer me 'I love you too'.
I consider myself blessed that I still have my parents as well as my husband. Dave lost his mother in August of 2006 and although it was difficult, she had suffered so much from cancer that it was a relief to know that she is no longer in pain. Maybe it's different for men also. I don't know... I'm pretty sure she knew how loved she was by you just like my own mother does. We moms just know! Still, I know how I love the sound of my mother's voice with it's beautiful German accent (honestly I don't hear it even though everyone else does!) Our mothers are the first person that ever loved us so there's an incredible bond there.
Thinking of you as you continue on your journey. I've said numerous times I can't relate to what you're going through. I do know that God has been faithful in everything I've ever entrusted to Him and as you entrust your grief to Him, He we will be faithful as well.
PS. Did I have the correct address for you on your Easter card?
I feel the same way about my mother and I feel the same way when I hear that song.
Your mother, Aunt Thelma was such
a wonderful family, christian woman. She was always such a kind, caring, considerate lady, she always made us feel so welcome and was just a blessing in my life, she is truly missed.
Love you dearly !
Praying for you today, as you are
missing your sweet Momma.
Last month was the 5th anniversary of my Daddy's death...that song says so much doesn't it? "I miss you a little"...but I miss Daddy more everyday.
What hope we have in Christ...that we will one day share Eternity with our precious loved ones!
oh Diane,i don't really know what to say.Bless your heart.i do know already that you have a sweet spirit and you are going to pull threw ALL this.
Diane,i am very sick also.terminal.if i can have this one operation it can give me 5 yrs.we're waiting on results from tests.
but Diane in the last few months.(i was given a year to live a yr ago 3-9-08.)but in the last few months i have gone down hill so fast it really makes me dizzy.
i was doing my chores,then less,now almost nothing.
i have there is no's discomfort.i cannot breath.therefore i cannot sleep.
it's like going are out of air,you are almost at the top of the water,you can see the sky,but you never get to the top.
yes,i am on oxygen.i thought it would be a's helps you bare it.thats all.
the reason i am telling you this is................i love life.i love my husband,children, friends and pets.but right now,and i have a long way to is HARD.........i think about cancer patients alot and the pain they must go thru.i am probably better off.what i am trying to say HAS TO BE hard to live with that KNOW it had to be a relief when it stopped.let alone going HOME.
and i know it's hard on the ones left behind.but you will see her soon too honey.i promise you will...ann
I am now crying. For your Mom...for my Mom and Dad, for Terry...for you who has so much to deal with.
Roberta Anne = The Raggedy Girl
Oh my, you must be having a hard time right now with this anniversary on top of the other things.
When I saw the date, it jogged my memory that this is the anniversary of dh's grandmother's passing--it's been 12 years.
How blessed you were to have both your parents into your adulthood♥
Yes Connie, you did have the right address and thank you so much for the card! I was so surprised when I opened my mail on that day. I cried all the way back to the house! I am so sorry I haven't already acknowledged the card. I am so scatter-brained these days! It was a precious thing for you to think of me and it touched me deeply.
Ann, I will contact you personally through email later tonight.
Roberta Anne, I have cried all day long and all last night. It is so hard to miss them so much. I have no doubt I will see Momma and Terry in heaven, but I so want to see them in the here and now. I know they are both so much better off and I don't want to be selfish, but it is so hard....I know you understand what I am saying. We'll just keep crying together. A burden shared is half as hard to carry!
I love you all for being so kind and understanding and encouraging. It has been hard since Terry went home, but the Lord has been so good to me and has carried me through so much more than I ever thought I could make it through. I know He will not leave me now. I am so thankful for each of you.
Many hugs............
You will see your mama again one day. Just think that now she is no longer sick and feels no pain nor sorrow. What a wonderful day it will be when you meet up with her again!
I have never had a crazy person comment on my blog until this evening. What did you think of that? The way people are thinking of Christians and just all the confusion going on is a sign of the Last Days. You may see your mama and I my daddy, soon.
Sweetie, I know this has been such a hard time for you. I can read your sadness and you are missing your family so much. I, too, go thru this at different times. We never EVER get over missing them, even tho time helps us a lot.
I wish I lived close enuf that we could take the day off from other things and just go shopping, stop to eat, shop some more, maybe see a good movie..You NEED this right now. Do you have a friend that lives close by? Call her soon and plan a day out about once a week and get out and move around in the world. It will help a lot!! I promise!!
Praying for you!
xo bj
While not being able to imagine what you feel about losing your precious Terry, I do understand losing a parent. My father went home to be with Jesus at the young age of goodness, it's been almost 14 years ago. I don't miss him any less...and there are still times when I break down and cry with grief. The good news is that he's waiting for me in Heaven and I'll see him again.
Praying for you still!
thank you for sharing the pictures and the song- sometimes I pretend too as every room as papa hubby's signature- it is wonderful to remember him as I go about my day-have a wonder filled tomorrow- hugs from Meme
Diane, I just love coming to your blog. You have such a sweet spirit.
I'll tell ya, life holds many joys, but there are sorrows too. I'm so glad you have good memories of your mom and your husband. :) I know that has to help.
What a joy it is to see your thankfulness to God through it all.
Lord bless ya!
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