Monday, April 6, 2009

I Won! I Won!

Beautiful Roberta Anne over at Little House on the Desert has honored me with this lovely award! Thank you Roberta Anne! You are a precious, special lady!

Now, in order to accept, I have to name 10 Things About Me. So, here goes....

1) I am a Christian and love the Lord Jesus with my whole heart.
2) I have a wonderful family who love me unconditionally.
3) I DO NOT understand thong undies!!!!
4) I love to watch HGTV.
5) I miss my dear hubby more than I ever dreamed I could.
6) I enjoy photography and have gazillions of pictures to prove it!
7) I would be lost without my laptop!
8) I enjoy blogging more than I had thought I would and have made wonderful friends here.
9) I would love, love, love to visit Scotland and Ireland someday.
10) I am deathly afraid of spiders, snakes, mice, creepy crawly bugs....the list goes on!

Well, there they are! Now, I have to choose three friends on whom I wish to bestow this award. So, I choose......

Samantha at Sweet Southern Journey
Kathy at Real Mom, Real Life
Tammy at Coffee n' Crafts

Have a great week all! God bless!


Heidi Pocketbook said...

I could have written some of those same things, too, however #10 jumped out at me since I'm like that too--always have been. And #6, not just me but my relatives from the past three generations or so...that's why I'm up to my eyeballs in pictures that still need to be scanned.

Have a good Monday☺

Constance said...

#9 is on my list too! Since doing my genealogy I'd like to go and see the old ancestral turf! I enjoyed the Recall notice as well from yesterday! Saying a quick prayer that you have a wonderful week in the Lord and feel His presence in a way that lets you know how loved you are by Him!

Samantha said...

Wow ! I am so excited, my first award, thank you for picking me.

The Raggedy Girl said...

Great list Diane and I know about the creepy crawlies. I had a spider in bed with me the other night and even though I killed him deader than a doornail I made hubby change the sheets. Just nasty!

Have a Wonderful Day
From Roberta Anne --
The Raggedy Girl

Kathy P said...

How fun!!! I will have to get to work on my list right away!

Thanks for thinking of me!

Pat said...

Thong either, especially after a lifetime of trying to keep them out of that area!
Great list, I'm so with you on the mice and snakes comment.
I also love HGTV, is there another channel?

Anonymous said...

I also want to go to Scotland or Ireland. And I'd like to see Real Mom, Real Life's list!

Thanks for the the thoughtful comments you have left on my blog.

bj said...

it was great to read these 10 things about you. i don't like bugs, either...
thanks much for coming by this morning...have a wonderful day.

Terry said...

dear diane..
you and that real mom, real life surely deserve that award...
i wonder how that red envelope project worked out.
started by real mom and spreading the word also through your blog.

i think that thong undies would be horribly uncomfortable....ha...

oma aka meme said...

I wanted to send you a hug today- and I am happy for you to be blessed by award-- and yes, I did think that grief would be so hard- you are a blessing to me and I hope that I can be a blessing for you- this walk is lonely and yet, we have hope -- hope in our sorrow-- hugs Meme

oma aka meme said...

I meant to say that I did not think that the grief would be so hard--hugs again--Meme

teakaycee said...

What an absolute sweet friend and great blessing you are to me!
Thank you my dear!!!!

God Bless you my friend